A Strategic Research Agenda for Biodiversity-Friendly Transport Infrastructure in Europe

Transport ecology, which developed from road ecology, opens up a specific field of research at the crossroads between two major areas: transport research and biodiversity research. Amidst growing tensions surrounding this interface (often conflicting objectives of environmental preservation and economic development), one of the BISON project’s objectives was to identify and prioritise research and innovation needs so that transport infrastructure can take greater account of biodiversity throughout its life cycle. As such, a Strategic Research and Deployment Agenda (SRDA) was developed, which can be implemented at different scales (EU Research Framework Programme; regional, national or local programmes). The SRDA defines the vision, overall objectives, key priorities, investment areas and a research and deployment roadmap for all stakeholders. One specific aspect of this agenda concerns short, medium and long-term research: the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA).
Information sheet
- Date: 2023
- Author(s): FRANCOIS Denis / DOSTAL Ivo / AUTRET Yannick
- Domain(s): Road Policies / Environment / Planning
- Type: RR398 - Features
- PIARC Ref.: RR398-049
- Number of pages: 5
This article has been published in the Routes/Roads magazine